Body Surgery for Men in Grand Rapids, MI

Hey gentlemen, have you noticed unwanted changes to your body over time? Don't worry, you're not alone. Hormonal shifts, certain drugs, and other medical problems can create stubborn "problem" areas that can be difficult to address, even with diet and exercise. But there's good news- you don't have to live with it. The Centre for Plastic Surgery specializes in procedures that can help you achieve your goals and regain your confidence.

Why Do Men Consider Body Plastic Surgery?

It can be tough for men to achieve their desired physique, even if they live a healthy and active lifestyle. That's why more and more men are opting for plastic surgery. From looking younger and more attractive to boosting self-esteem and confidence at work or in the dating world, the reasons are personal and valid. At the Centre for Plastic Surgery, we strive to help men who feel self-conscious parts of their bodies. Our board-certified surgeons are here to support you on your journey.

We Offer the Following Types of Body Surgery for Men


Are you struggling to achieve the body contours you desire? Liposuction might be the answer for you. With this procedure, a small incision is made and fat is suctioned out using a small tool called a cannula. Recovery time is minimal - patients are typically back to their normal routines in just a few days. Find out if this is the right option for you when you explore more about liposuction. 

Explore Liposuction

Male Breast Reduction

If you are a man who is struggling to achieve the body you desire due to enlarged breasts, you're not alone. It's called Gynecomastia and it's a common medical issue among men. Male breast reduction may be the answer you've been searching for. Learn more about how you can achieve the physique you deserve through this safe and effective surgical solution.

Explore Male Breast Reduction

Men’s Body Plastic Surgery

Before & After

Original Image After
Original Image Before
This patient is a 31 year old man (6'1", 209 lbs) who complained of enlarged breasts, despite being physically fit. He elected to undergo a male breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery.
Original Image After
Original Image Before
This patient is a 43 year old man (5'10", 167 lbs) who was unhappy with the contours of his midsection (particularly how it looked from the back) despite a great diet and regular exercise. He elected to undergo liposuction of his abdomen and flanks.

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